Owens Offer Blitz Challenge
Join Our Offer Blitz Challenge
5 day Challenge
Whats included?
Offer Blitz Challenge - $97
You get to watch the session
Offer Blitz Challenge VIP - $297
You get to ask questions after the session
Offer Blitz Challenge Platinum - $397
You get to ask questions during the challenge
You get to ask questions before and after the session
You get a business consultation
What are the results of the Offer Blitz Challenge?
1. You Double Your Lead Generation
2. You Increase Your Conversion Rate
3. You Get New Subscription Offer Customers
4. You Get New Premium Offer Customers
5. You Can Possibly 10x Your Business
What is a Make More Offers Challenge?
A "make more offers challenge" refers to a strategic initiative within a company where the goal is to increase the number of product or service offers made to customers. This involves creating new promotion, discount, bundle, or other incentives to encourage customers to make a purchase.
Lead generation: Generate more leads
Lead conversion: Convert prospects into buying customers
Customer ascension: Offering your clients more of your higher priced items.
Customer Retention: Offering your customers a subscription plan, something that the customer can pay on a monthly basis.